Age groups: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17
World Class Business Education
In-Person & Online
Weekend Classes
Every child deserves to be successful and happy!
MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL International Education Network is a global
network of business schools for children and youth to rise a
new powerful generation of entrepreneurs and leaders who able to change
the world for the better.
MINIBOSS is a global franchise or 72 branches represented in 22 countries. MINIBOSS brings innovations to the education process and makes it fun and practical!
The problem of modern education is that general public schools do not teach how to achieve the above goals “successful” and “happy”, focusing only on the amount of knowledge gained and passing exams, not paying attention to the formation of children's real skills for real life. That’s why only 2% of the population is successful. The remaining 98% are only looking for work or live in extreme poverty.
There is only one secret: the amount of knowledge acquired in school does not matter ... without timely practice and a strong creative environment. Even the best schools in the world need a MINIBOSS.
Just being smart is not enough today!
Addressing the most pressing challenge in education of the 21st century, we have invented a new children's business education market and a large global network of business schools around the world from the UK to Australia.
The mission of our business school is to enable all 100% of our students to achieve success in life! To do this, we teach them how to discover their potential, learn how to be strong and creative entrepreneurs from childhood, learn how to solve complex life problems easily and technologically, learn how to work in a team and take responsibility consciously as a true leader, influence their society and make it peaceful and prosperous!
This is what brings a person both happiness and success!
We are raising the leaders of the future as the basis for GDP growth and the welfare of countries!
soon as your child enters to MINIBOSS, he or she becomes part of an
educational innovation that was created in 2000 and practiced all over
the world for young national elites who will grow the glory of nations.
Every child deserves to be successful and happy!" - Olga Azarova, MiniBoss Founder, says.
Our forward-thinking school has a fascinating past and much of what has been pioneered here has become part of what we call "modern innovative education" realized in addition to mainstream schools model.
MiniBoss was founded in 2000 by famous entrepreneurs and scientists Olga and Andrii Azarovs.
Soon afterwards they decided that young people across the world should
have the opportunity to experience their uniquely broad educational
model and they created the International Education Network based on
franchising model with stricts standards. Since the founders of the
school gave the right to the same progressive entrepreneurs and
educators to open business schools on a franchise basis, the global
network has grown rapidly. Such was the success of this programme that
Olga and Andrii Azarov had ambitions for it to be awarded globally.
Since 2016 then this global Programme and Method has spread across the
world to over 70 branches in the different countries and thousands of
young people have grown and developed through their participation.
MiniBoss business schools are a symbol of the country's prosperity. If
the first business school has already been opened in the country, then
the future of the country's economy is in good hands, because it is here
that the future business elite of the countries study," Andrii Azarov notes.
Today, more than ever, new generation needs to learn
business since childhood, because it is a new trend and a strong business
culture, which allows us to create powerful and inventive new generation.
MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is the International Education
Network of the 21 century, which use the unique efficient academic and business model, new
educational game methods to teach children and teenagers
the theory and practice of business, to rise powerful and inventive new generation. The new century needs new brains!
MINIBOSS unites progressive entrepreneurs as our
franchisees, modern educators, students around the world in the
community of socially responsible business with a high
mission - to develop a new generation of successful and happy people!
life of people, especially now, is replete with crises, epidemics,
turbulences. In today's world, the most important thing to teach child
is to survive in any situation, turn problems into solutions, find new
creative ideas for new businesses, not give up, be stress-resistant and
positive, sail through the waves of crises like windsurfing, confidently
managing your present and future, leading your family to prosperity and
happiness. This is what children should be taught! This is exactly what
we teach kids in our business schools!
OUR MISSION is to create qualitatively new business elite of
the countries.
Why MINIBOSS Business Schools have become so popular in the
The secret of popularity in the 5 "pillars":
1. It's really interesting and fun learning!
Interactive Game Method contributes to the rapid and easy assimilation of
the material. Earning a real money is the best
2. It is an effective practical education –
99.8% of parents noted
progressive changes in their child from the 1st year! 12 tupes of
practice annually grows up strong and creative problem-solvers.
3. Healthy Environment – all
students go through an interview and confirm that the choice of this
business school is mady by theirselves. A community of conscious,
purposeful leaders is a strong and healthy environment.
4. Family values – MiniBoss
supports connections children with their parents, contributing a deep
understanding of generations for the creation of family businesses and
happy future.
5. Global leader’s community – MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL connects students from our business schools around the world! Each feel global support!
Up to 2% of the population has the innate skills of
In 98% of the population these skills can be developed.
From 6 to 9 years old are laid behavioural bases of
personality (character).
That is why it is so important to start study at the
MINIBOSS Business School from an early age to develop a habit acquired skills
and anchored in the fertile environment of like-minded people.
Over the past 22 years, we have trained over 9,000 graduates;
most of them have become successful entrepreneurs and top managers.
Efficiency of the MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL methods is confirmed
by numerous of students victories at the Startup National Cup and World
Cup Championships.
The International Business Academy Consortium LTD (United Kingdom)-based
global educational platform includes 12 educational institutions for
full-scale comprehensive development of the personality through
unleashing the potential and business education for children,
adolescents, youth and adults - educational franchises from preschool,
business schools to University and MBA.
missionaries, for whom it is important not only to earn money, but also
to create something great during their lifetime, helping other people,
the country to live better and more successfully, can start businesses
and invest in the distribution of the most demanded and necessary
education for children as a MiniBoss. Only such an education as MiniBoss
can give children a real chance in life for long-term success and
happiness! Join if you feel that your investment is more important here -
in children's business education - in creating a successful future for
new generations through educational innovation!The
global network of the MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is developing on the
base of franchising technology. MiniBoss Franchise is right to use the
ready-efficient business model, new educational technologies to teach
children and adolescents the theory and practice of business.
this time MINIBOSS has a lot of official representative offices and
business schools at the UK, Ukraine, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland,
Georgia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey,
Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, Thailand, the
Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Scotland,
Republic of South Africa. So today, the MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL
actively developed, by opening new branches in new countries.
All countries need economic growth!
All countries need economic innovations!
All countries need a strong new generation of creator-entrepreneurs, new Steve Jobs and Elon Musk!
It carries a high social mission for the development of society!
universities and general education schools want to cooperate with
MINIBOSS, because we can inrich their programs with a lot of innovations
and start preparing the world business elite together!
and practice of the business is important for the child to understand
the adult life, for early career guidance, for the formation of
character. That is why the advanced regular schools in different
countries actively cooperate with MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL (as optional
courses) in order to add to their curriculum practical modules in
business, psychology and career counseling.
Don't wait a second! While the child is at an early age - everything is possible!
of the brain is the highest! The child absorbs almost everything!
Therefore, all the valuable seeds that you plant in this fertile soil
will germinate!
We invite you to enroll in Business Schools right now!