Leader development has traditionally focused on adults.
The underlying problem with this approach is that adults' brains are fully developed and relatively set, and thus any changes in the behaviour of adupts attending the courses is marginal.
Instead of focusing on adults, leader development activities should be directed towards children. Their brains are still forming, especially before they reach adolescence. If children start aquiring leader skills from early age, it will create and shape truly different types of leaders of tomorrow.
While Cambridge Univercity(1) has only relatively recently started research in this area, and no schools in the world, to our knowledge, offer a thorough course on leadership that would compare to those offered tp adult clients, MiniBoss Business School has been teaching its students leadership and its mastery since 2000.
Moreover, leadership does not really have a silver-bullet "how to" guide. It's a way of thinking and seeing people, which can be acquired only through years of experience. Would you trust a brand-ne branf
- Billsberry J, Vega CE, Molineux J (2019) Think of the children: Leader development at the edge of tomorrow