How to bring up a happy child?

What does "happy" mean?

There are many definitions of happiness, but if we think of the future, the core idea is that all parents want their children to enjoy their life and be successful.

Similarly, there are many definitions of success.

When applied towards a person's life, it usually means that a person can realise their full potential and live the way they want, following their own path in life.

These are the faces of our future successful entreprenurs, investors, business owners. 

  • So what do most parents do to help their kids become happy adults?
  • Which school of extracurricular activity can help your child develop their full potential, choose their own path in life, and know how to make it work? 
  • Sport is great for the body, languages are great for the mind, there is also coding, chess, art, dancing, etc. Which of these skill swill help your child survive and pivot in the next crisis? Which of these skills will help them achieve financial freedom?
  • Which schools aim to cultivate not compliant employees to supply workforce, but creative leaders-entrepreneurs who will invent and create new jobs of the future?

Unfortunately, most parents don't look beyond the common set of activities, and thus do nothing to secure a successful future for their kids.

Others, when they notice that something is not quite right (e.g., their child has a low self-esteem), apply remedial measures and take their child to a psychologist to correct their behaviour. 

Do you think it's more effective to fix something, or prevent it from happening?

You're probably not happy with the common/popular education solutions, and you want more for your child. I do!

Good news 1: Success is not an accident, but a result of continuous deliberate effort.

Good news 2: There is nothing magical about success. It's a result of applying particular skills, developing certain habits, and projecting a specific attitude. I.e., it can be learnt.

Bad news: There are no shortcuts to success, and your child will need to work hard to achieve it.

Important limitation: The earlier your child start learning these vital skills and acquiring habits of successful people, the higher their success trajectory will be. Think of compound interest. The earlier you start investing, the greater the results are. Have you tried learning a foreign language in a mature age and noticed that little kids learn it so much quicker and better, often not even needing to attend any language courses? 

The skills of success are the same - the earlier you give this opportunity to your kids, the more profound will be their progress.

EVERY child is gifted and talented. They might not be talented in the way their parents/school/society expect, but they are, and every child CAN develop their full potential, if given an opportunity.

Did you know that brain neuroplasticity (i.e., ability to absorb and process new information) is the highest between 6 and 14 years of age? It's the best age to start acquiring new skills, and the earlier the better. I don't know of many Olympic champions who started learning to play sport during their final years of school. Do you?

  • Invest in your child from early age, when they can learn any skill almost effortlessly.
  • Invest in your child from early age, while their brain is still growing and learning, which will help them develop the right thinking patterns and habits from the beginning, and you won't need to fix problems later.
  • Invest in your child early, so that they have maximum opportunities to become the masters of their own life.

Imagine a confident young person, who knows what they want, and knows how to make it happen, someone who can overcome challenges and come up with creative solutions, someone who can pivot and adapt on the way towards their goal.

Call us if you want your child to be a part of the next year cohort and start their journey towards a successful and happy future.

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